2018 Accredited Online Nursing Programs by State
This comprehensive list of 355 online nursing schools, arranged by state, includes tuition information, NCLEX pass rates, and campus locations. We also provide the top online RN to BSN schools and top online MSN schools based on value, to assist students with their search for quality online nursing degrees.Prospective nursing students should ensure that any degree program they consider is accredited and recognized by their state's licensing board. Programmatic accreditation for nursing degrees is granted by the NLNAC and the CCNE, and choosing a degree with this distinction will ensure adequate preparation for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), which is required to obtain nursing licensure.
There are several schools in Alabama that offer online nursing degrees. The University of North Alabama offers an RN to BSN program, an RN to MSN program, and a traditional master's in nursing. After becoming licensed in the state, students planning to work as nurses in Alabama must meet a continuing education requirement of 24 contact hours during the two years between each renewal period.
Arizona is one of twenty-four compact states, meaning students with a license from Arizona may practice in any other member location. Students seeking to renew their nursing license must have worked at least 960 hours as a nurse, or participate in an approved refresher course. Some Arizona-based schools offering an online nursing degree include Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University, and Northern Arizona.
Students seeking to work in nursing must be licensed by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing and meet state-mandated requirements to practice nursing. Arkansas is a compact state, meaning a nursing license from in this state is recognized in the 23 other compact nursing states. Arkansas requires license renewal every two years. The University of Arkansas offers an online bachelor's in nursing degree which is the longest accredited BSN program in the state.
There are several schools offering online nursing degree programs in California. One of the most affordable of these choices, California State University - Dominguez Hills, has both an online RN to BSN and an online MSN program available. California also offers two alternatives to obtaining a degree in order to become a registered nurse: the LVN 30 Unit Option which is not recognized by most other states and the Military Corpsmen to RN option through which military personnel can earn an RN license if they've completed RN level education and have clinical experience.
Colorado is one of twenty-four compact states. Colorado nursing licenses will be recognized in the other 23 states, and vice-versa. Licenses expire every two years. Aspen University is one of the most affordable choices of schools offering online nursing programs in Colorado, and it offers an online master's in nursing. Aspen offers an RN to MSN Bridge program which allows students who have earned an associate degree in nursing but not a bachelor's to graduate directly with a master's degree.
Connecticut licenses must be renewed online each year. There are several schools that offer online nursing degree programs. University of Phoenix has one of the lowest tuitions in the state and offers online nursing programs at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Sacred Heart University stands out among other Connecticut nursing schools for its high NCLEX pass rate.
There are many schools that offer online nursing degrees in Florida. One, St. Petersburg College, offers an online RN to BSN completion program that is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Florida has strict continuing education requirements for nurses. Those wishing to renew their license must complete 24 hours of courses, which must be either approved by the Florida Board of Nursing or accredited by a state or national organization for nursing accreditation.
Several schools in Georgia offer online nursing degrees and Georgia is also home to one of the most affordable programs in the nation - Georgia Military College offering an AA or AA in pre-nursing. The program prepares students for admission to RN programs and although it is geared toward military members, 80 percent of students are not in the military. Georgia requires nursing licenses to be renewed every two years.
The University of Hawaii at Manoa is one of a few schools on the islands that offers an online nursing degree program. There are several pathways provided. Non-nurses, RNs with a bachelor's degree in nursing, RNs with a bachelor's degree in an unrelated field, and RNs that have a master's degree all have the option to a master's of science, doctorate in nursing practice, and PhD in nursing.Hawaii nurses must renew their licenses every two years by June 30.
Students looking for online nursing degrees based in Illinois have multiple options. Tuitions at the following schools vary, with some of the least expensive schools being Rasmussen College and University of Phoenix. Nurses in Illinois must renew their licenses every two years by May 31 and have 20 hours of continuing education credits in order to renew.
There are many available online nursing programs in Indiana. RNs who want to acquire a bachelor's degree could consider the University of Indianapolis’s online program. Western Governors University has one of the lowest tuitions in the state starting at $5,870 annually. Indiana nurses must renew their licenses every two years by Oct. 31.
Iowa is a compact state. Licenses are renewed every three years. Nurses must have 36 contact hours of continuing education and a course on mandatory approved identification and reporting of child and elderly abuse. Graceland University offers an RN to BSN, RN to MSN, and a doctor of nursing practice degree online. Although clinical requirements can be completed anywhere in the United States, one focus session (between two and five days) takes place on campus.
Kansas nursing licenses must be renewed every two years on the last day of your birth month, and nurses must have 30 hours of continuing education to do so. Grantham is one of the most affordable programs and offers a path to a bachelor's and a master's degree to registered nurses.
Kentucky is a compact state. Nurses must prove competency to renew their nursing licenses, and may do so in several ways, including earning 14 contact hours or national certification. Northern Kentucky University, Eastern Kentucky University, and Western Kentucky University all offer nursing programs approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing.
Full-time nurses (those who work at least 1600 hours a year) must have five hours of continuing education credits each year to renew. Part-time nurses (at least 160 hours of work a year) must have ten hours of continuing education and nurses that have less than 160 hours of work must have 15 hours of continuing education courses each year. Several schools offer online nursing programs including Loyola University New Orleans. Students can acquire a BSN, a MSN, or a DNP online and RNs have a special Bridge option helping them earn a master's degree faster.
Full-time nurses (those who work at least 1600 hours a year) must have five hours of continuing education credits each year to renew. Part-time nurses (at least 160 hours of work a year) must have ten hours of continuing education and nurses that have less than 160 hours of work must have 15 hours of continuing education courses each year. Several schools offer online nursing programs including Loyola University New Orleans. Students can acquire a BSN, a MSN, or a DNP online and RNs have a special Bridge option helping them earn a master's degree faster.
Michigan nurses must complete 25 contact hours of continuing education every two years in order to renew their licenses. Registered nurses have a variety of choices for an online degree program, including Ferris State University which offers an RN to BSN and an RN to MSN program.
Mississippi is a compact state. Licenses must be renewed every two years. University of Southern Mississippi offers an online RN to BSN program and an online MSN. The master's degree program has a variety of concentration available, including adult gerontology, family psychiatric nurse, and family nurse practitioner.
Missouri is a compact state with many online nursing programs. Licenses must be renewed by April 30 every two years in the state. Online nursing degree programs vary greatly in tuition. One of the most affordable choices, Southeast Missouri State University, offers an online RN to BSN that gives students field experience in their communities.
RNs licensed by the state of Nevada must finish 30 hours of continuing education requirements every two years in order to renew their license. Several Nevada schools offer online nursing programs, including the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and the University of Nevada Reno, which both offer online nursing degrees at the graduate level.
New Jersey
Nurses practicing in the state of New Jersey must complete 30 hours of continuing education during each two-year license renewal period. Many New Jersey schools offer online nursing degrees, providing students with a wide array of programs. Thomas Edison State College, the most affordable choice, offers both an online RN to BSN program and options for students to earn an MSN.
New Mexico
New Mexico requires nurses to complete 30 hours of continuing education in order to renew their license every two years. Several New Mexico schools offer online nursing programs. Eastern New Mexico provides students with one of the most affordable options, and includes online nursing degree programs at both the graduate and undergraduate level.
New York
Registered nurses practicing in the state of New York must complete contact hours in areas such as infection control and child abuse during each renewal period. Multiple schools in the state offer online nursing degrees, including three of the SUNY schools--which are some of the most affordable options. SUNY Delhi Online offers both an RN to BSN and an MSN program. SUNY College of Technology at Canton also offers an online RN to BSN degree.
North Carolina
Nurses in the state of North Carolina must complete 30 hours of continuing education or 15 contact hours in addition to 640 active practice hours every two years in order to renew their license. Many schools in North Carolina offer online nursing degrees. Western Carolina University is at the lower end of tuition cost and provides online nursing degrees at both the graduate and undergraduate level. Students may choose from their online RN to BSN program, or their master’s programs in nurse education and nurse leadership.
Oklahoma nurses must renew their license every two years. No continuing education is required to do so. A few schools offer online nursing degrees in Oklahoma, including Oral Roberts University, which has an online RN to BSN program, and the University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus, which has a PhD in Nursing program.
Nurses practicing in the state of Virginia must renew their license every year. No continuing education hours are required. Annual tuition ranges widely at the many Virginia-based schools offering online nursing degrees. George Mason University, located in Fairfax, offers both an RN to BSN and an MSN program.
source: https://www.guidetoonlineschools.com